You can't imagine a web page without styles (CSS). They play a key role in page beautification. The key to understanding the CSS is understanding the Selectors. Selectors are the patterns used to select specific HTML elements and apply styles.
Here I explain a few CSS selectors.
Matches div elements
Matches the id
<div id="hashnode">
Permalinkh2 { }
Tag selector
<h2>Hi, Team</h2>
Permalinkp .button
Matches any button that is a child of p
/* CSS */
p .button {
background-color: green;
<!-- HTML -->
<button class="button">Button</button>
Matches the class button
<a class='button' />
Matches divs with the class "button"
<div class="button">
Permalinkdiv > .background
Matches any background class that's a direct child of a div
/* CSS */
div > .background {
background-color: yellow;
<!-- HTML -->
<h2>My name is Srinivas</h2>
<p class="background">I live in Hyderabad.</p>
Matches the element the cursor is hovering over
Permalinkui li:first-child
Matches the first item of a list. Similarly we have last-item too
/* CSS */
ul li:first-child {
background: #00ff00;
<!-- HTML -->
<li>First List</li>
<li>Second List</li>
<li>Third List</li>
<li>Fourth List</li>
Matches links where the href attribute starts with "http"
Matches if a checkbox or radio button is checked
Permalink[data-model="open"] { }
Attribute selector
<div data-modal="open"></div>
Permalink:nth-child(2) { }
Positional selector
<!-- WILL match -->
<li>yep, I'm #2</li>
Matches all the divs expect the one with the id header
Permalink:empty { }
Pseudo selector
<!-- WILL match -->
<!-- WILL match -->
<aside data-blah><!-- nothin' --></aside>
<!-- Will NOT match -->
<div> </div>
<!-- Will NOT match -->
PermalinkSelector combinations
.module > h2 {
/* Select h2 elements that are direct children of an element with that class */
h2 + p {
/* Select p elements that are directly following an h2 element */
li ~ li {
/* Select li elements that are siblings (and following) another li element. */
Hope it helps !